As winter approaches faster than most of want, there is a perfect gift idea for that hard to buy for person: a survival kit for the car. All encased in a duffle bag, you can include:

  • two large garbage bags per person that can be used as a cover and to keep heat in
  • candles
  • first aid kit
  • flashing road beacon
  • blanket
  • flashlight
  • Bic lighter
  • spare batteries
  • extra phone charger
  • orange reflective flag to put on the antenna
  • small camp shovel, rain poncho, and duct tape

There are also some people who include even more items and include a solar radio, a full-bug out bag, as well as waterproof hunter gear including sub zero boots, coat, hat and gloves. It is almost always better to be safe than sorry. And if you have ever been unfortunate enough to get stuck in a sub-zero snow storm and you are wearing a suit dress, heels, and light leather coat then you know the importance of having the items that you will need to keep you safe.
Oh man I could write an essay about this haha. One good thing to have is a couple of wool military surplus blankets because they are warm, will not hold water like other materials, and they are also bacteria and odor resistant. A sportsman’s guide is a good resource, as are Maxtrax type traction boards and a small shovel. In a pinch, however, it is good to remember that floor mats can also be used as expedient traction mats in snow.
If you are traveling a long way from home, it could also be in your best interest to purchase and bring along Noco battery boost packs. These can be used to jump start an engine or recharge a phone.
Many Drivers Sped a Good Deal of Time in Their Vehicles
From splurging on the very best new ultra plush upholstery fabric to paying for new flooring in an older model, there are many vehicle owners who are willing to invest a good deal of money on their car, truck, or SUV. For some, this willingness to invest in the nicest of grades of cutpile car carpet and other accessories is a reflection of just how much time they spend in their vehicles. From high dollar trunk mats to a cutpile car carpet that perfectly matched an upgraded interior, investing in a vehicle is close to investing in a home. For the drivers who have a long commute and sales people who eat some of their meals and make many business phone calls from their vehicles, wanting a great home away from home is motivation enough to spend significant amounts of money.
Needless to say, many of these same drivers who are willing to pay for the nicest interior accessories for their cars are the same people who may have the best appointed winter weather emergency kits in the trunk. And while it may be okay for some drivers to tolerate a messy car, there are others who want to make sure that their vehicles are not only as well appointed as their homes, but are also as clean. Did you know, for instance, that a study by celebrity microbiologist Charles P Gerba indicated that there are greater numbers of bacteria in cars that carried children, and in places where drink or food had been spilled? This may not be a real surprise to you because spillages provide food for bacteria, but it certainly justifies the reason why there are a number of drivers who do not eat or drink anything in their cars, and refuse to let others do the same. In spite of these statistics, however, the most recent surveys indicate that 70% of drivers eat or drink in their cars.
Vehicle owners who make the decision to invest in high end interior selections like cutpile car carpet, however, may indeed be the ones who fall into the 30% of drivers who do not have either food or drink on the road. Instead of a low profile mat type carpet that is standard in many vehicles, cutpile car carpet more closely resembles a low pile flooring surface in a home. Although the median is 60 minutes, Americans say they spend an average of 87 minutes a day in their cars, no wonder there are so many who focus on keeping these spaces clean.

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