With so many new cars on the market and the benefits of used models rising to the top of the industry, it can be dizzying figuring out just where you stand. Do you check out the much-lauded Chrysler brand for work or do you consider buying a new truck for all those camping trips you take? Instead of getting lost in the flurry of options…cement the basics. Buying and maintaining a good car is all about the common sense you bring to the table from the start. The tips below are geared toward multiple lifestyles and will help you narrow down your own personal list so you can get to buying that dream car you’ve always wanted.
I’m A Student And Need A Used Car
Something many car dealerships can appreciate is the needs of the struggling student. When new cars are out of your budget but you still need an efficient way of traveling between work and school, there’s a used car just waiting for your stamp of approval. The first quarter of 2015 saw nearly 10 million used vehicles, according to Edmunds, and the appeal of the used car is only expected to increase. Remember that you should consider a CPO (or certified pre-owned) if you’re interested in buying a car under five years old.
I’m A Parent And Need That Extra Room
For all the parents out there…your wait has ended. There are more than enough strong examples on the market to help shoulder your day-to-day routine. The Dodge RAM 1500 has four doors and is able to seat up to five passengers, for starters. Since you want your children to be as safe as they are comfortable, consider double-checking the updated locks, seat belts and security features of the new car models on the market. They may just be the deciding factor in getting you the car you’ll depend on for years to come.
I’m A Traveler And Need Some Rugged Efficiency
Do you travel across the country often? Perhaps you want new cars that are geared for the uneven trail. The 2017 Wrangler has an impressive 285 horsepower for those interested in some extra strength, rated at 17 city/21 highway MPG by most standard models. The average fuel cost for most vehicles, to boot, is at 14 cents per mile. That’s about 24 miles per gallon, though new cars will have a different standard compared to some older models. That doesn’t mean they should be overlooked, however!
I Work Full-Time And Need More Flexibility
You’re not a parent, a student or someone who likes to hoof it. You’re just someone who needs a car that can get them to where they need to go. According to a report by Edmunds, nearly half of all used cars where three years old or younger. When you also combine that with statistics showing that 40 million used cars exchange hands every year between private parties and dealerships, the fact of the matter is that used is just about as good as new. You can even find some that aren’t all that old! Before you start dreaming about your yearly car repairs, let’s get you on the fast track to a purchase…
Buying A Car
A used car dealership can make sure you’re all set for the responsibility of being a car owner. The average American will drive either their car or truck just over 10,000 miles per year. That equals an oil change every 3,000 miles or so, though you’ll also have to factor in tire rotation, windshield repairs and basic check-ups. According to a 2016 Used Vehicle Market Report by Edmunds, the average price of a used vehicle is still around $19,000. Sound like something you’d be interested in?
Then get your personal details in order and head to your nearest dealership. They’ll make sure you drive in style.