While the rest of the country spends their time out looking for free Christmas ornaments or other kinds of door buster specials, you plan to be looking at the inventory at two different car dealers in the city. And while you wish that you were out looking for less expensive bargains, the fact is that your family is in desperate need of a fourth vehicle for your newest driver. Car dealers, in addition to retail stores across the country, often Black Friday specials. From rebates from car manufacturers to interest free financing, many car dealerships offer these incentives to help them move inventory off there lots before the new year’s supply of vehicles arrive.
If you are looking for the best car deals on Black Friday this year, it is important to make sure that you do your homework. Knowing the available options on different lines of cars and understanding the prices of the models that you like the most can help you spot a good deal, as well as avoid a price or financing agreement that is not. Consider these facts and figures about the vehicle sales industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- By the time you wake up the Friday morning after Thanksgiving, you should have a plan for where you will go and what you want to purchase. If your goal is to visit a new car dealer, you should be prepared for the hard sale of getting rid of the end of the year inventory.
- Lare model cars require special attention. Finding the right late model car can require both internet research and a test drive.
- Approximately 52% of buyers do not know what make or model they intend to buy before arriving at the dealership. This kind of indecisiveness can lead you to buying a car that is not competitively priced.
- Cars with all-weather capabilities are especially popular this time of the year as the winter weather arrives.
- Kid friendly cars are the kind of purchases that many families are looking for. From vans with sliding doors to SUVS with plenty of room for the gymnastics team, kid friendly cars are big sellers, no matter what time of the year.
- Families who are looking for used cars need to pay special attention to the number of miles that are on the vehicles that they are considering.
- Research from 2016 indicates that new vehicle sales increased for an unprecedented sixth consecutive year. The total that year, which was 17.5 million, was a record.
- In determining the amount you should spend on a car payment, a general guideline is that a monthly car payment should be no more than 20% of the buyer’s take-home pay.
- Dealerships often offer significant discounts at the end of the year.
- Approximately, 48% of buyers are spending one to three months shopping before making their purchase.
- Year end results 2015 indicated that New lease originations reached an all-time high in that, nearly 4 million units.
If you are looking for a BLACK FRIDAY deal on a major purchase like a car, it is important to make sure that you do your research ahead of time. It might be alright to get caught up in the frenzy of shopping when it comes to smaller items, but you want to make sure that you do not make that mistake with a big ticket item like a car.