Why Install Electric Car Charging Stations at Your Hotel?

As a hotel owner, you know that you are always on the lookout to make your lodgings as comfortable and convenient for your guests as you can. With so many guests driving electric cars, having ports and EV charging stations available is all the more important.

Why install these charging ports at your hotel for guests to use? Even if only a small percentage of your clientele actually drive a car that needs to be charged, having EV stations is important. Here are a few reasons why you want this addition made to your hotel.

You Stand Out Among Competitors

Do you want to stand out among the other hotel chains in your area? Add an EV charging network to your parking area. Guests who drive electric vehicles will be more likely to come your way for lodging than to stay at a competitor simply for the convenience of being able to charge their car on-site.

You also stand out among your competitors when you add a vehicle charging station because you come across Read More