When your college gymnastics coach runs down the aisle of the coach bus singing “Don’t’ Stop Believing” you know it is going to be a good weekend. When you get an entire two seats to yourself on the longest road trip of the year you know that you will have room to both rest and complete your homework. Arriving at the meet rested and relaxed, however, is the real bonus to traveling across three states in the climate control travel and comfort of a coach bus.
Coach Bus Travel Is a Great Option for High Schools and Colleges
As high schools and colleges prepare their travel budgets from one year to the next they continue to look for ways to make travel more affordable. While air travel may be the fastest ways for college teams to get to their event, it is also the most expensive. Bus travel, on the other hand, is far more affordable. And while school busses may seem like the most affordable ways for high school teams, bands, and other clubs to get to their events, local charter busses often make more sense.
Traveling by charter bus means that school football teams and marching bands have plenty of under the bus storage space. School bus travel, on the other hand, almost always requires giving up seating space for equipment, uniforms, and other gear.
In addition to being more affordable, charter bus travel offers students athletes and club members several other very nice luxuries. Reclining seats allow for complete relaxation and outlets and USB ports allow students to stay connected to WiFi. Many charter buses also offer the opportunity for the entire group to watch and listen to a movie on state of the art video and sound equipment.
Vacationing by Charter Bus Is a Leisurely Way to See the Country
Raised seats and large windows make charter busses the perfect venue for sightseeing. Charter trips that have fast access to national parks, well known sites, and scenic drives are very popular. While a family vacation to a popular location or sight requires on member of the family to always be driving, charter bus travel lets every member sit back and enjoy the view. In addition, charter bus travel lets passengers visit new places without struggling to find the best and most affordable places to stay and to eat.
As much as passengers enjoy charter bus travel, the communities that these bus tours visit like it even more. In fact, motorcoach companies infuse tourism dollars into every community where they stop. For instance, a single motorcoach spending one night in a single destination generates up to $11,660 for that local economy in money spent on lodging, meals, and shopping.
Motor coaches are so popular that they account for 751 million passenger trips every year. Many years they move more people in some years than commercial airlines. This comparison is easy to understand when you realize that there are five times more motor coach terminals nationwide than there are airports. Additionally , there are six times more bus terminals as there are intercity rail terminals. Because of their availability and easy access, motor coaches are a popular choice for travelers of all ages.
Charter Bus Travel Leaves a Smaller Carbon Footprint
Motor coaches get slightly more than 206 passenger miles per gallon of fuel. In comparison, single-occupanvy automobiles only get 27.2 passenger miles per gallon. And in addition to saving gas, motor coaches are three times more efficient in reducing CO2 output than commuter rail transportation. Even more impressive, motor coach travel is six times more efficient than transit buses.
As America continues to look for ways to reduce carbon emissions, the charter bus travel industry continues to offer some of the best transportation alternatives. And while city planners continue to explore more opportunities for making travel more efficient commuter charter busses look to be a very popular option. As the nation continues to deal with replacing failing infrastructure like, highways, interstates, and city streets, it also looks for ways to have less traffic on a more efficient set of roads. Charter bus travel is the solution to many of these situations.
What are your upcoming travel plans? Do they include an efficient, safe, and comfortable coach bus?