Are you looking for a new synthetic lubricant to use at your company? Maybe in the past you?ve purchased synthetic lubricants that didn?t end up working for you. If you don?t do your research and pick the right synthetic lubricants, it can end up costing you too much money and time. With products like Brayco 300 and Brayco 795, you don?t ever have to worry about how the synthetic oil will work with your machinery. You can trust that it will get the job done the right way without any issues or harm done.
Interested in learning more about metalworking fluids and the state of the industry as it grows and flourishes? Keep reading for more information about the different types of synthetic lubricants and their main uses.
The Success of the Metalworking Fluids Industry Over the Years
In 2016, a report was released that indicated how successful the metalworking fluids market will be in the near future. By 2020, it is expected to reach around $9 billion. As the industry continues to grow, so will the market. For global sales during the year of 2016, almost 2.5 million metric tonnes of metalworking fluids were sold in total, according to the Future Market Insights? report.
The Future Market Insights? report for 2017 is already predicting how much the market will make worldwide for the next year. They expect to see more than $4 billion in metalworking fluids sold to be used as lubrication just for transporting equipment around the world.
In addition to all these sales of metalworking fluid, there is a rise in the recycling of metalworking fluids currently. When you recycle metalworking fluids, you can reduce costs for your company significantly. If you have a recycling system instead of a non-recycling system, you can see up to an 8% volume reduction which will directly show in your annual budget and revenue.
Functions of Metalworking Fluids and How to Use the Right Kind
When it comes to machining, metalworking lubricants, coolants, and fluids are extremely important. They have a vital role in the machining industry. Without a flow of fluids that is substantial, it can negatively affect the metal removal process. Overall, there are four main reasons to use metalworking fluids in your company. The first use for metalworking fluids is cooling. Next, you can use them for lubrication. You can also use them for chip removal. Lastly, metalworking fluids are useful for corrosion control.
So, when you?re buying metalworking fluids, you may be wondering whether you should buy from a lubricant oil distributor or a lubricant oil wholesale distributor. These are great questions to consider. With the right amount of research, you can find a synthetic lubricant distributor that is right for you like Brayco who offers a wide range of synthetic lubricants like Brayco 363 and Brayco 460.
Brayco offers only the synthetic oils. If you opt to use a lubricant that is only semi-synthetic, it may contain up to 30% oil content. When you choose a pure synthetic lubricant, you are certain to receive a product that contains no amount of oil in it. The reason it matters so much whether you choose a synthetic lubricant or a semi-synthetic is that it can affect your machinery. Therefore, the choice can affect production and whether you may have to shutdown to repair machinery at some point. ARound 70% of companies have issues with their equipment due to lubricant choice. This results in an unplanned equipment shutdown which affects their production.
Generally, issues like this occur when staff and management are not trained on how to select the best synthetic lubricants for the machines. Around 63% of companies agree that staff training on lubricants isn?t as thorough as it should be to keep machines up and running properly.
What type of synthetic lubricants do you use at your company? Have you ever had an unplanned shutdown of equipment due to incorrect synthetic lubricant use? Let us know in the comments about your experience dealing with synthetic lubricants.