If you live in the United States, snow is most likely a part of your life. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has said that in March 2015, nearly 64% of the lower 48 states had at least some snow on the ground. Canada sees more snow than the United States. Some estimates put the amount their government spends on snow removal at close to one billion dollars annually. In 2014, New York City had to spend $130.7 million to remove snow from its streets. While buying the right sno pusher will not eliminate the need to spend key to remove snow from city and college campus streets, there are some that are more effective than others.
Things to Consider When Buying a Sno Pusher:
Know the difference between a v-plow or angled snow pusher and a straight edge. A snow plow with a classic “V” shape is used to split snow and remove it cleanly from sidewalks. This kind of snow pusher is more expensive and can be maneuvered into tighter places. When you are looking at the job you need to do, it is often tempting to go with the cheaper option, which is the straight edge plow but it may end up being more cost effective to get a v-plow which can get into areas and require less actual work to clear the same surface area. You need to tale into account the cost of staff hours and the time it takes to clear an area when you decide what kind of plow is the right one for the job you are doing. Do not let cost be your only criteria.
- Pay attention to the blade material. When you look at the different kinds of snow pusher, you will see a number of different kinds of blades. They come in poly, stainless steel and mild steel, Each has advantages and disadvantages and each can do a decent job on commercial projects. The most slick is poly. Snow will slide off of the poly surface easier than the other surfaces. It also resists dents, corrosion and scratches more than other blades. One drawback is that it is heavier than steel. The next surface on the slick level is stainless steel. It is great at resisting corrosion but is not as slick as poly, While it is prone to dents and scratches, many people think it is the best looking blade material. Last on the slick list is mild steel. This is the sno pusher industry standard.
- Match your vehicle with your son pusher. What you need to plow should dictate what kind of snow pusher you get and need. If you are working on commercial plowing, you probably are using a three quarter ton pickup truck. Clearly, larger trucks can handle larger plows. You need to be careful when matching your snow pusher to your vehicle. That containment plow may work great for some jobs, just make sure it works with your trucks.
- How easy is it to use? This is not a minor consideration even for people who have been using these for years. It is also not an uncommon concern. When your staff need to use a sno pusher, it is never under the best circumstances that people use this kind of equipment. Heavy duty snow plows work great but are hard to manage. People often neglect to even think about how easy or hard their son pusher is to use.
- Would a used snow pusher work? This may seem like an easy question but it really is not. You may be able to get a much better sno pusher that is used than a new one. Think about it like you think about buying a car. You can get a lot more features and add ons for a used car than a new one. The same can be said of a new or useed sno pusher. Look carefully at what optons are really important to you and you can decide if used is a better option than new.
Dealing with snow is a pain in the butt. Snow pushers can make your life much easier if you get the right one for your job.