Getting to Know Refurbished Outboard Carburetors

The video “Rebuild/Clean-up Mercury Outboard Carburetors ” helps you understand cleaning refurbished outboard carburetors. The first thing you will want to do with a carburetor is visually inspect it for any defects that require immediate attention. You should also ask questions about its history to see what type of owner it had.

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Having a working carburetor is extremely important. Establish a vacuum to enable it to work correctly. When you are cleaning it, be sure to clean it thoroughly. If your carburetor has never been used before, make sure you have an air source. If possible, test the throttle linkage. This will come in handy when trying the operation of the refurbished outboard carburetors after cleaning and rebuilding them.

Ensure you remove the air filters and thoroughly clean them. Next, remove all air passage covers that are screwed on and were not removable while the carburetor was still on your engine. Be sure to clean these areas thoroughly and the inside of each passageway that can fit a paper clip or small wire.

Ensure that all the gaskets and seals are in good condition as they will not fit a regular screwdriver. They will require your ingenuity to replace them adequately. If you follow these steps, you will effectively clean and rebuild refurbished outboard carburetors.


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