Were you aware that the hose clamp was invented by a former Royal Navy Commander? Lumley Robinson invented this clamp in 1921, and it continues to be used for a variety of purposes, such as aviation clamps. In general, however, hose clamps are used for hoses that can handle moderate pressures. This includes automative and household applications.
It’s important to note that these clamps are available in different materials and sizes. This is necessary because hose clamps are designed to provide even pressure, without any gaps, on all sides of the hose. Furthermore, the right size hose clamp needs to be used at all times, and should be composed of only quality material. When these measures aren’t in place, the hose’s seal may leak gas, liquid, or any other type of substance that may be passing through the hose.
Hose clamps are also referred to as hose clips. This device is used to attach and seal a hose to a fitting, which includes barbs or nipples. The spring clamp is 1 of the simples types of hose clamps. It consists of a strip of metal shaped like a cylindrical spring and has a number of protrusions. In addition to spring clamps, there are other types of hose clamps, such as worm gear and wire clamps.
Aviation clamps, like other types of hose clamps, are available in a variety of sizes. As a result, they can accommodate the fastening needs for any sized hose.
It’s interesting to note that these clamps are often used to replace duct tape. They can also be used as heavy-duty zip ties, which can be effective and convenient in many situations.
As aforementioned, typical and effective uses for hose clamps include using them to secure hoses in automative systems. They are also used to clamp household plumbing system lines.
When hoses become stuck, they shouldn’t be removed by cutting or slitting them. This is because the barb can become scratched, and they will leak as a result. A good seal is ensured when barbs are free of nicks and scratches as well as contaminants.
Thanks to the innovative thinking of Royal Navy Commander, Lumley Robinson, the hose clamp continues to be used today for a variety of vital purposes.