A hose clamp is a device that secures a hose over a fitting, ensuring that no liquids or gases leak out from the point of connection. Hose clamps are often used in automotive systems and in home repair projects. They can also be put to other uses as a heavy duty alternative to fasteners like zip ties and duct tape.
Hose clamps are simple to use, but if you have no experience with them, navigating the world of hose clamp sizes and materials can be a challenge. This guide can help you choose the right hose clamp for your project.
Understanding the Different Hose Clamp Types
Hose clamps are made from different materials and in different designs to suit a wide variety of projects. There are four main types of hose clamps: screw clamps, spring clamps, wire clamps, and ear clamps. Screw clamps and spring clamps are the most commonly used types of adjustable hose clamps for home repairs.
If you?re working in a confined space, spring clamps are your best bet. These clamps are easy to use without tools, so you won?t need to worry about awkward angles when you?re tightening or loosening the clamp. Screw clamps (also called worm gear clamps), which are often made of stainless steel, are flexible and can be chained together to make a longer clamp. These clamps are versatile, easy to use, and don?t require a lot of other equipment: you can tighten them with a screwdriver you?ve already got in your toolbox.
Making Sure Your Hose Clamp is the Right Size
Hose clamp sizes vary widely because hose clamps can be put to so many different uses. It?s essential to choose the correct clamp size for your project, because a compromised seal from a clamp that doesn?t provide even pressure around the hose can result in a leak.
A simple way to ensure you?ve got a well-fitting clamp is to chain together screw clamps until you have the length you need. Screw clamps are adjustable, so you?re guaranteed a good fit as long as the clamp is long enough and you tighten it properly. However, screw clamps shouldn?t be used for hoses under half an inch in diameter. For small hoses, opt for an appropriately-sized spring clamp instead.