It’s one thing spending time and money getting your ideal car or boat. Maintaining it and keeping it safe, though, is another story entirely! Temporary or year-round car storage involves keeping your vehicle safe from the elements, unfriendly eyes and creating peace of mind while you’re away at work or on vacation. Not only that, many aspects such as rust and moisture build-up can gradually deteriorate the inside of your car when you’re not looking! Read below as I list some common facts and useful tips to avoid these issues and help you use your car storage with confidence. Our goal is to provide the very best Emergency Truck Road Service to our clients as quickly as possible while giving you the most affordable prices in the area.
Almost 10% of all households rent a self-storage unit, which is a significant increase from the 6% two decades ago. Around 13% of self-storage renters say they prefer to rent for three months or less, while 18% prefer up to six months of rental time. Even people who have an attic or garage often prefer the comfort and quality of a designated car storage unit. While everyone has different methods of storage, it never hurts to have a little extra rental time on your vehicle storage unit in case of emergencies or a change in plans. If you don’t have space for your caravan at home, you can store it at a caravan storage Melbourne. If you have a garage that can accommodate all of your vehicles, make sure that its doors are regularly serviced or maintained by a garage door repair contractor. This way, you can rest assured that your vehicles are secure.
Changing Your Oil And Charging Your Battery
While it seems as simple as just leaving your car or boat in a storage space, there are a few steps you need to take to keep your engine or battery in proper shape. If you leave your car storage facility for more than a month it’s recommend you fill the tank with gas to prevent moisture build-up. A fuel stabilizer can also prevent ethanol build-up and protect your engine from common issues such as rust and deterioration. Last, but not least, check your car’s electrolyte levels and re-charge your battery every month or so.
Ideal Car Or Boat Storage
We know that people have different storage needs and goals, as well as the importance of going the extra mile to circumvent gradual decay to your engine or battery. Now how about what creates the right storage in the first place? Make sure that whatever storage unit you use, even if it’s your own, has a solid roof and regular ventilation to avoid potential leaks and condensation. Up-to-date locks are necessary to deter would-be thieves and insurance should always be on hand in case worst comes to worst. No matter your storage needs or time frame, being proactive goes a long way!