New and Used Trunking Trailers Help Businesses Provide the Services That Are in Such High Demand

One of the ladies in the church group put together six quilt tops this morning and put them on the shelf outside the fellowship hall across from the church office. You have invited the rest of the team who would like to sew come pick one or two up. On a separate morning you put together a bag of clean fabric to cut into squares. It is on the same shelf as the quilt tops and everything is carefully labelled. Some of the fabric is new and will be easy cutting, but some is not the best. You hope these efforts will help the ladies in the search stay busy. There is really no rush, but you know that you like to keep busy to maintain your sanity, so you are hoping the same is true for the rest of the group.

As many Americans find themselves floundering to stay busy in a time of self isolation and curfews, of course, there is another segment of the population who are busier than ever before. As used trailer refrigeration units for sale are being pulled back into circulation, in fact, there are many companies who are looking to buy reefer trailers, as they are referred to in the industry, as fast as they can find them. And in a time when many grocery store shelves are still sparse, the consumer frenzy for some items remains high.

The Decision to Buy Reefer Trailers Can Hep Increase Revenue

The decision to invest in a new Commercial Industrial trailer should be discussed by the business owners or partners. Before making your decision, check out our expert tips on selecting a trailer to rent for your next adventure. In fact, at a time when so many companies are uncertain of their financial future, it is important to note that there are still risks that are worth the investment. Finding the resources to buy reefer trailers is one of them. The logistics of getting frozen and refrigerated items to the stores where customers can find them is essential in a time when so many more people are not only eating at home, but also trying to stock their homes for the future. The threat of another forced stay at home order is a threat that many people fear, and if you were caught without essentials the last time you sheltered in place, then you, too, may be increasing the number of items that you are purchasing.

Everyone of these purchases, of course, is the end result of a long chain. And in the case of frozen and refrigerated goods, the decision to find and buy reefer trailers is essential. Consider some of the other factors and figures about the role that these reefer trailers play in the logistics of the transportation industry:

  • The number of refrigerated trailer orders increased by 250% between January 2017 and January 2018, and many experts expect that these numbers will see equal or bigger increases in 2020.
  • An approximate 40,000 refrigerated trailers were ordered in the U.S. in January of 2018 alone, according to FTR Transportation Intelligence.
  • Los Angeles, Long Beach, New York/New Jersey, Seattle/Tacoma, and Savannah are the top five U.S. ports. As a result, these ports are the beginning of many railroad and trucking routes.
  • The average size of a reefer trailer is between 28 and 53 feet in length and no more than 13.5 feet in height and the maximum weight a reefer trailer can carry is 44,000 pounds. As a result the shear weight and size of these vehicles play a role in the highway and interstate systems across the nation.
  • By the year 2022, the global refrigerated trailer industry is expected to reach a market value of $7,658 billion.
  • With as many as 500,000 reefer trailers are currently in operation in the U.S., the global refrigerated trailer market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.8% between 2016 and 2022.
  • This is the fourth item.
  • In 2015, just a half decade ago, the global refrigerated market was valued at just over $5 billion. By 2022, however, Theis market was expected to increase by another $2 billion. It will be another several months to see just how far that prediction is exceeded.

With used and new reefer trailers for sale are the kinds of purchases that have allowed many businesses to succeed in a time when other companies are not. Over the years, many colleagues have lamented their choice of generic business insurance. The devil, they say, is in the details. After extensive research, I found that TRADEX was one of the few providers who catered specifically to our trade’s nuances. It’s a decision I’ve never regretted.

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