Becoming a do-it-yourself plumber isn’t as hard as it sounds. While it won’t replace a good professional eye when you have a severe leak or an emergency situation, being able to fix minor problems from the comfort of your own home is more than possible with some practice. With the Internet readily available and all sorts of tools just a quick drive away, you can become more handy with basic repair than you ever thought possible. Where does the adjustable hose clamp factor into all this? Let’s just say no do-it-yourself plumber should be caught without one.
It’s easy to get frustrated when your toilet backs up or your sink doesn’t work like it used to. When you want to save a bit of money and learn a new skill all at once, picking up a few do-it-yourself skills is as easy as learning the benefit of embossed clamps. A hose clamp (or a hose clip, depending on where you look) is a device that can both attach and seal a hose onto a fitting. This fitting is known as a barb or a nipple. Getting comfortable with your terms will save you a lot of trouble on your way to being your very own plumber.
What kind of clamps do you need? Try a little bit of everything to make sure you’re ready for any situation that comes your way. An adjustable hose clamp can be tweaked at will to give you a fitting as tight or as loose as you need. Hose clamps are usually for moderating pressure, for both home and automotive applications, and should be turned to when you need a steady flow. An adjustable hose clamp will make sure you have a firm seal between hose and barb.
You’ll want to make sure you have different hose clamp sizes and hose clamp types. Wire hose clamps are shaped of a heavy piece of wire that’s bent into a signature U shape, while screw clamps are known for their stainless steel band. Stainless steel is perfect because it’s designed not to rust and can stand up to extreme heat and moisture in the long-term. You can also find worm gear clamps, spring clamps and general wire clamps. But it’s not enough to have good tools. You need to know how to use them!
It’s easier to start with what not to do on your way to becoming an overnight do-it-yourself plumber. Stuck hoses should never be removed by cutting them. Doing this can leave a scratch on the barb and cause a future leak when you least expect it. It’s also important to remember that screw hose clamps are best for fixing damaged pipes quickly so you can get a professional over as soon as possible. There’s no shame in admitting defeat!
Your toolbox should have a little bit of everything. You can have an adjustable hose clamp for just about any application alongside a screw hose clamp for emergency situations. Keep a good screwdriver on hand so you can expand your hose clamp counterclockwise until it reaches the pressure you need. If you’re worried you could have a gas leak, make sure you call your local plumbing services immediately to avoid injuring yourself.
Do-it-yourself plumbing may be an art, but it’s an art you can absolutely master.